Administered by

Select Plan (Level Funded)
The Select Plan is a level funded solution administered by Meritain Health (an Aetna company). Level funding allows firms to enjoy the benefits of self-funding while reducing risk. Firms pay insurance premiums to a third-party administrator (TPA) which includes a fee to manage claims and enrollment.
Potential Premium Rebate
At the end of the policy period, if your firm had lower costs than expected, your firm will receive 100% of the remaining funds back*. If costs are higher than expected, you’re covered by the Trust.
Provider Network
Members access the Aetna Choice POS II preferred provider organization (PPO) national network with pharmacy benefits managed by CVS caremark.
*Firm must renew plan with the Trust and be eligible to receive an experience refund. Contracts are for eligible claims incurred in 12 months and paid within 18 months of the contract effective date. Subject to additional terms and conditions.
Plan Options
Effective May 1, 2024
Rx Formulary
Click Here for the CVS Caremark Pharmacy Formulary
Additional information: For more details regarding the plan options and features, out of pocket maximums, out of network provisions and other important considerations, please contact the Trust. Effective December 1, 2023, policies are issued by Companion Life and Niagara (in NY and CT). Underwriting review and approval is conducted by Summit Reinsurance Services on behalf of the Trust.
Plan Availability
Select Plan is available in the blue states above subject to regulatory requirements. Please contact us to see if your firm is eligible.
Select Plan Features & Benefits
Underwritten premium which considers the unique experience of each participating firm
Pharmacy rebates are returned to the employer reducing overall claims expense
An annual accounting of premium and claims incurred during the policy period
Increased premium and claim visibility through TPA tools and services
Dedicated Meritain Health and ACEC Life/Health Trust service team
Virtual Care
Members on our level funded Select Plan have access to the telehealth services of Teladoc. Teladoc is an industry leader in 24/7 virtual care services and offers Primary Care, Specialty and Behavioral Health Care.
Online Services & Features
From the portal, employers can monitor utilization through a suite of financial and utilization reports. Employers gain access to the Meritain portal to manage enrollment, eligibility and billing.