Broker Appointment
Our fully insured product administered by UnitedHealthcare is filed with the state of Illinois. Brokers must obtain a non-resident insurance license in Illinois to offer this plan. For appointment instructions please contact us.
Differentiate your brokerage
The Trust is ready to partner with you and your engineering and design clients. The Trust provides you with health and specialty insurance solutions that can differentiate employee benefit brokers and consultants in a competitive market. The Trust has a dedicated team of support staff to help you and your clients become familiar with our products and services. We can rapidly qualify prospects and generate new group quotes and renewals.
In order to participate in the Trust, a firm must qualify as a consulting engineering or surveying firm (qualification varies by state) and be an active member of the American Council of Engineering Companies. The Trust is dedicated to helping brokers and firms complete this process and will respond quickly to any requests to qualify a group.
As an Association Health Plan, the ACEC Life/Health Trust is treated as a qualified large employer group under the Affordable Care Act. Each member firm is underwritten and can choose from a wide range of PPO and HSA plans. This enables the Trust to provide member firms with fewer than 50 employees the flexibility in plan design that is generally only available to large groups.
Dedicated Service
UnitedHealthcare and the Trust provides brokers with the resources needed to market the Trust’s fully insured products. Visit uhc.com/acec/brokers for more information. The Trust can also provide important information related to our products and services to ensure you’re able to fully serve your clients. Email us at [email protected].
We frequently hold regional, in-person events with Trust leadership and staff. Contact us to enquire about our next event. The Trust can assist you with financial support for your marketing efforts.
The Trust has incentive programs which can be earned in addition to incentives earned directly through UnitedHealthcare. Contact our business development team for more information on our incentive programs.